Bagi anda yang memakai password di smartphone pastinya ada yang selalu mencoba untuk membobol password itu entah berupa pin ataupun pattern,dan saat anda kembali tiba tiba posisi Smartphone anda tibaa tiiba terkunci dikarenakan terlalu banyak mencoba pattern namun salah,anda pun pastinya penasaran “siapa sih yang mainin?”.
Hidden Eye sesuai namanya aplikasi ini dapat menangkap muka orang yang mencoba membuka Smartphone anda secara diam diam, dengan memadukan aplikasi ini dengan kamera depan anda bisa mendapatkan foto orang yang membobol Smartphone anda.
Aplikasi Hidden Eye ini berfungsi saat ada yang mencoba untuk membobol namun tebakannya salah Hidden Eye akan langsung mengambil fotonya dan anda pun dapat mengetahui siapa yang membobol dengan masuk ke aplikasi Hidden Eyenya sendiri
Ever wanted to know who tried snooping into your phone while you were away. Your friends or family member might have tried to unlock your phone. Hidden Eye is a simple app with no frills that will photograph the person when they try to unlock your phone. You can set it to play your ringtone when a user tries to unlock your phone without your knowledge.
Ever wanted to know who tried snooping into your phone while you were away. Your friends or family member might have tried to unlock your phone. Hidden Eye is a simple app with no frills that will photograph the person when they try to unlock your phone. You can set it to play your ringtone when a user tries to unlock your phone without your knowledge.
Android detects failed attempts ONLY if passcode has atleast 4 letters or points, so as HiddenEye
This app may not work on all devices, you will need to just try it out and see if it works for your device. Email me if it doesn't work on your device. Does not take pictures on Nexus devices
* Enable screen security lock on your phone.
* Install and launch the app "HiddenEye"
* Set the Security Status to ON.
* Activate the device admin for Hidden Eye and that's it. You are now ready for the action.
* Enable screen security lock on your phone.
* Install and launch the app "HiddenEye"
* Set the Security Status to ON.
* Activate the device admin for Hidden Eye and that's it. You are now ready for the action.
* Set the Security Status to "OFF"
* Uninstall the app now.
* Set the Security Status to "OFF"
* Uninstall the app now.
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