Pengguna smartphone sekarang jumlahnya sudah tidak dapat dihitung lagi karena jumlahnya yang begitu banyak,tak hanya di negara negara maju indonesia pun tak kalah banyak,namun selain itu smartphone juga menimbulkan dampak yang buruk kepada kita sebagai contoh tanpa sadar kita sering memainkan smartphone kita berjam jam dan memainkan game ini itu tanpa memerhatikan lingkungan sekitarnya.
Pengguna smartphone bukan lagi untuk orang dewasa bahkan balita pun sudah bisa bermain dengan gadget kita,dan tanpa disadari kita terlalu sering menggunakan smartphone.
Untuk itu saya sharing tentang “Quality time” yang fungsinya untuk melihat sudah berapa lamakah kamu menggunakan smartphone dan bisa melihat sudah berapa kali membuka lockscreen kita ,selain itu bisa melihat aplikasi apa sajakah yang dibuka.Cocok untuk digunakan kepada anaknya agar tidak terlalu sering menggunakan smartphonenya.
Saya mengharapkan setelah menggunakan aplikasi ini anda dapat melakukan program diet smartphone,yang tentunya akan mengurangi ketergantungan hidup kepada smartphone.
Sangatlah cocok bagi anda yang gila gadget yang bahkan pergi kemana mana harus ada handphone di sakunya kalau tidak bawa saya yakin selama dia melakukan sesuatu tanpa ada smartphone di sakunya pasti akan sangat gelisah *pengalamanpribadi XD.
Your Smartphone Timeline:
• Smartphone usage activities log displayed as a fun, visually engaging and easy-to-navigate “timeline”. Scroll up and down to view timeline activities from morning to night. Swipe left & right to navigate to view different dates.
Discover Your Smartphone Habits:
• Daily and Weekly Usage summary of total device usage, screen unlocks and your top apps with time spent on each app and number of times accessed - your “digital diet”.
• Automatically receive a recap of the previous day’s usage summary every morning (can be disabled).
• Zoom in to hourly usage view for the selected date.
• Tap any app to track app-specific usage history pattern by time or access frequency.
• Customize and exclude tracking by apps; pause tracking at anytime.
• Share my top apps feature.
• Quick glance of today’s usage status with the QualityTime dashboard widget.
• Smartphone usage activities log displayed as a fun, visually engaging and easy-to-navigate “timeline”. Scroll up and down to view timeline activities from morning to night. Swipe left & right to navigate to view different dates.
Discover Your Smartphone Habits:
• Daily and Weekly Usage summary of total device usage, screen unlocks and your top apps with time spent on each app and number of times accessed - your “digital diet”.
• Automatically receive a recap of the previous day’s usage summary every morning (can be disabled).
• Zoom in to hourly usage view for the selected date.
• Tap any app to track app-specific usage history pattern by time or access frequency.
• Customize and exclude tracking by apps; pause tracking at anytime.
• Share my top apps feature.
• Quick glance of today’s usage status with the QualityTime dashboard widget.
Manage Your Digital Diet:
• Create device usage alert (usage time and screen unlocks) and app usage time alert (e.g. addicted social or games app).
• “Take a Break” to immediately unplug from your smartphone; one-click access via the “Take a Break” widget.
• Plan your “Take a Break” in advance (Scheduled Breaks) with repeating schedules.
• Define your own QualityTime Profiles to customize your “Take a Break” (restrict access to your phone).
• Create different QualityTime Profiles and customize how you want to unplug your smartphone during “Take a Break” or “Scheduled Breaks”; options to block notifications, reject incoming calls with auto-reply text messages, define exceptions to allow incoming calls from ‘whitelist’ contacts, permit access to certain apps during those restricted periods.
• “Missed notification” center - captures all your missed notifications during “Take a Break” or “Scheduled Breaks” so you won’t miss anything important.
• IFTTT ( support to provide valuable if-this-then-that recipes that lets you set personalized alerts with your favorite online services or Internet of Things (IoT) when you exceed your device usage limit.
• Create device usage alert (usage time and screen unlocks) and app usage time alert (e.g. addicted social or games app).
• “Take a Break” to immediately unplug from your smartphone; one-click access via the “Take a Break” widget.
• Plan your “Take a Break” in advance (Scheduled Breaks) with repeating schedules.
• Define your own QualityTime Profiles to customize your “Take a Break” (restrict access to your phone).
• Create different QualityTime Profiles and customize how you want to unplug your smartphone during “Take a Break” or “Scheduled Breaks”; options to block notifications, reject incoming calls with auto-reply text messages, define exceptions to allow incoming calls from ‘whitelist’ contacts, permit access to certain apps during those restricted periods.
• “Missed notification” center - captures all your missed notifications during “Take a Break” or “Scheduled Breaks” so you won’t miss anything important.
• IFTTT ( support to provide valuable if-this-then-that recipes that lets you set personalized alerts with your favorite online services or Internet of Things (IoT) when you exceed your device usage limit.
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